Welcome to SysSimPyPlots’s documentation!

SysSimPyPlots is a codebase for loading, analyzing, and plotting catalogs generated from the SysSim models.


What’s behind the name?

SysSim – a comprehensive forward modeling framework for studying planetary systems based on the Kepler mission. In particular, SysSimExClusters provides clustered planetary system models that characterize the underlying occurrence and intra-system correlations of multi-planet systems.

Py – this package is written almost entirely in Python 3. This is unlike the SysSim codebase which is written in Julia.

Plots – while the SysSim codebase provides the workhorse for simulating catalogs of planetary systems and the Kepler mission, this package allows you to plot, visualize, and explore those catalogs!


Some parts of the documentation for this project (this site!) are still under development! Feel free to create an issue on Github if you find any problems.



The scripts in this package have been used to produce the figures and results in several papers: