Visualizing catalogs

Another way to visualize the catalogs is to plot galleries of their individual systems, where the planets in each system are plotted as points on a line along the orbital period axis (or semi-major axis). This is especially useful for looking at the multi-planet systems and their architectures.

Sorting and labeling systems

You can also sort by planet multiplicity instead of inner-most period by setting sort_by='multiplicity', and label each system by a given quantity by setting llabel and llabel_text such as in the following example:

# Plot a gallery with the systems sorted and labeled by multiplicity:
plot_figs_observed_systems_gallery_from_cat_obs(sss_per_sys, sort_by='multiplicity', n_min=3, color_by='size_order', llabel='multiplicity', llabel_text=r'$n_{\rm pl}$', max_sys=50, sys_per_fig=50)
Example gallery sorted and labeled by multiplicity


The label does not have to be the same as or even related to the sort_by parameter, but it’s useful for checking that it has actually sorted things correctly.

Plotting detected/undetected planets

There is a separate function for plotting galleries of physical systems, plot_figs_physical_systems_gallery_from_cat_phys. It provides much of the same functionality and uses mostly the same parameters, except it allows you to filter systems based on both the intrinsic multiplicity (using n_min and n_max) as well as the observed multiplicity (using n_det_min and n_det_max). It also contains more options for color_by, and has a mark_det boolean parameter for whether or not to indicate the detected and undetected planets. The following examples showcase some of these options:

# Plot a gallery of physical systems with at least 5 planets:
plot_figs_physical_systems_gallery_from_cat_phys(sssp_per_sys, sssp, sort_by='inner', n_min=5, n_det_min=0, color_by='cluster', mark_det=False, llabel='multiplicity', llabel_text=r'$n_{\rm pl}$', max_sys=50, sys_per_fig=50)

# Plot a gallery of physical systems with at least two detected planets:
plot_figs_physical_systems_gallery_from_cat_phys(sssp_per_sys, sssp, sort_by='inner', n_det_min=2, color_by='k', mark_det=True, llabel='multiplicity', llabel_text=r'$n_{\rm pl}$', max_sys=50, sys_per_fig=50)

gallery_phys1 gallery_phys2

In the left figure, we selected only systems with at least five planets (regardless of whether or not any planets are detected) and colored them by their cluster id’s, so planets with the same color were drawn from the same “cluster”.

In the right figure, we selected systems with at least two detected planets and marked all undetected planets with red outlines using the mark_det=True option.

More customizations

While the two functions demonstrated above (one for plotting observed systems, another for plotting physical systems) provide many useful options for plotting galleries, you may wish to make versions of these figures that are outside the scope of what can be accomplished by these two functions. You can achieve some additional flexibility by using the function plot_figs_systems_gallery directly, which is called by both of the previous functions. For example, you may wish to plot along semi-major axes instead of orbital period for the x-axis, use planet masses instead of radii for setting the relative sizes of the points, sort the systems in a special way, provide a custom set of systems, etc… the possibilities are endless!

Other ways of plotting catalogs

There are many other functions in the syssimpyplots.plot_catalogs module for visualizing catalogs, some of which have been used to characterize other correlations in the planetary systems generated by our models.


Many of these functions are currently undocumented (they do not show up in the detailed API) and are not meant for flexible use – use them at your own risk!